سعید شجاعی سعدی،  Saeed Shojaei saadi

سعید شجاعی سعدی، Saeed Shojaei saadi

شاعر، نویسنده و پژوهشگر، Poet, Writer and Researcher
سعید شجاعی سعدی،  Saeed Shojaei saadi

سعید شجاعی سعدی، Saeed Shojaei saadi

شاعر، نویسنده و پژوهشگر، Poet, Writer and Researcher

نامه بسیار مهم و احتمالا اثر گذار بنده حقیر، سعید شجاعی سعدی به رئیس جمهور آمریکا

در تاریخ سوم مارس 2017 برابر با 13 اسفند 1395 و درهنگامه ای که تبلیغات ضد جمهوری اسلامی و برجام در بین دولتمردان جدید کاخ سفید در امریکا،  به اوج خود رسیده بود، بنده سعید شجاعی سعدی ، نامه سرگشوده زیر را بمنظور روشن سازی اذهان مشاوران و دولتمردان و بویژه شخص رئیس جمهور آمریکا و خانواده اثرگذار بر تصمیم سازیهای آقای رئیس جمهور ، ترامپ نوشته و به سایت رسمی

کاخ سفید ارسال کردم و رونوشت آنرا به وزارتخانه های خارجه و دفاع و شورای روابط خارجی آمریکا و ... نیز فرستادم، طبق معمول همه سالها بنده رونوشت همین نامه را نیز به دفتر مقام معظم رهبری و سایر مقامات مهم جمهوری اسلامی ایران ایمیل و تقدیم، نمودم. بنظر می رسد اگر تهدیدات کاخ سفید نسیت به ایران و جمهوری اسلامی ایران در طی حدود 2 ماهی که از نوشتن نامه سرگشاده بنده به رئیس جمهور آمریکا می گذرد، کمی تا

قسمتی  و یا بشدت کاهش یافته باشد و این کاهش مثلا هزار دلیل داشته باشد، شک نکنید که یکی از آن هزار دلیل و بلکه یکی از مهمترین دلایل کوتاه آمدن نسبی کاخ سفید، احتمالا توجه به مفاد این نامه حقیر ، سعید شجاعی سعدی باشد( ضمنا در شبکه حهانی تویتر و در صفحه تویتر خودم نیز بنده مستند و منطقی سیاستهای اشتباه مشاوران و وزرای خارجه و دفاع و شخص رئیس جمهور امریکا آقای ترامپ را در مورد جمهوری اسلامی ایران و سایر مناطق جهان را به چالش کشیده و می کشم. توجه داشته باشید که همه مقامات دولت ترامپ و اعضای خانواده او و شخص پرزیدنت ترامپ در شبکه تویتر حضور فعالانه دارند). در اینجا متن انگلیسی نامه را تقدیم حضورتان می نمایم.
با تشکر،

 سعید شجاعی سعدی

10 اردیبهشت 1396- شیراز

My important open letter to President Trump

Dear Sir

I am Saeed  Shojaei Saadi from Shiraz, Iran.i was born in November 3rd, 1964. I am a  researcher  and cultural activist for world peace on the Internet. I disagree with war and bloodshed. by applying the pen and internet, i have tried to promote cultural values ​​and

human rights in the world during past 38 years.indeed, i became able to attract the attention of many people around the world on the Internet for extending peace and cultural norms. i am
so much happy to express this reality, not only Iranian culture has almost 8000 years

background but is very peaceful. Iranians are opposed to war and destruction. They are against extremism and racism, oppression and lies, too. The Iranian people are very civilized.so,  as an Iranian also as a  researcher  and cultural activist for world peace on the

Internet, I have written thousands of articles,texts and posts on culture and peace, which all of them have been published on the Internet by now. added, in order to promote peace between nations and governments of the world,  i have written many letters to world leaders

to substitute the language of culture and  dialogue instead of applying the arms in order to solve their problems. anyway, for extending peace and culture values in the world i have had to stand many terrible problems during the past 38 years.

Mr President

you will not find any Iranians that love war and enmity not only with USA but also any other countries in the world. , they love all nations of the world, including the people of America.So, You should not make obstacle of Iranian's travel to America.added, You should stop

threatening Iran .as a researcher  and cultural activist for world peace on the Internet, i declare that any War with Iran can simply start the World War III with billions casualties and destruction the most parts of the earth too

Mr President

 did you know about 90% of Iranians are literate?, Did you know that about 60 percent of Iranian women are college-educated and employed in Iran.  did you know about the past 8000 years peaceful civilization of Iran (Persia)?, Please study more about Iran and Iranians to recognize the realities of today Iran.due to long and constructive history and civilization, all Iranians (in or out of Iran) are very patriot

Mr President


i suggest to select a group of the best counselors to help you about Iran and i am ready to be one of them,if you would like

i also suggest You, work with Iran to solve the problems of the Middle East etc, . in my opinion, its very urgent not only for Iran and USA national interests, but for the peace and stability of the world to reopen the Iran- USA embassies in Washington and Tehran as soon as

possible to avoid an unwanted and suddenly terrible war between both countries also whole of the world , Iran is the enemy of terrorism and extremism.i offer you take a trip to Iran officially or privately to see the peaceful Iran  and the excellent friendship culture of Iran's people by  your own eyes. please be sure, you will be welcomed warmly by both officials and people of Iran without a doubt

Mr President


you know Iran is very active and serious on the terrorist's fighting. Iran is also not enemy of Saudi Arabia and other pro-west countries in the Middle east.in fact,  Iran would like to have the best relationship with Saudi Arabia.

 in final,I would also suggest you talk with Iran to solve all the problems not only in the Middle east but in the most area of the world.its great for the global peace and stability that after trusting in God, you and your respected government do trust to Iran which can be a good, honest also real partner for USA and the west,  if you really want to promote peace in the Middle East, and the other parts of world, too.

Mr President

if you not accept my suggestion for travel to Iran, then, please send me an official invitation to the White House to talk with you more

Yours sincerely

Saeed Shojaei Saadi- March 3, 2017
Shiraz, Iran

Mobile - + 9809177151120


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