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RT "@DJMaginity #OpSaveGaza #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/naKKEDA9R2" R.I.P <<< He was innocent! <<< Please #SpeakUpForGaza
Nothing can justify this >>> pic.twitter.com/Ui4TmU7PNI #SpeakUpForGaza #OpSaveGaza
کفکفی دمعک ، فقد توقفت النبضات ، وصعدت الروح لربها. #غزة_تقاوم #غزة_تنتصر pic.twitter.com/rDrwFO5PAM
هل تحتاجون الى دلیل على ارهابهم وجرائمهم فی حق الانسان #غزة_تقاوم #غزة_تنتصر pic.twitter.com/mo2LgtU5Iq
Mr Netanyahu extremist Govt is destroying hopes for peace in region.i suggested the Knesset to select a WOMAN PM FOR ISRAEL.ITS BEST FOR ALL
the crimes of Mr Netanyahu extremist Govt in GAZA should not be extended to Israel people,they are nice human as well as other global people
the world is standing up against Mr Netanyahu and his extremist Govt.they must sending to ICC for war crimes in GAZA for killing kids&women.
Arab League & #Gaza.....Shame on you #OIC ...#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/BdEyMiGduW
The Real lion .Tiger look at his Courage we love you #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack #PrayForGaza #Gaza #SaveGaza ...pic.twitter.com/Ly3GkfjjaC
Some where in Syria :( :( :( Heart touching pic.twitter.com/JahYUaa1oU
13 year old Palestinian girl, Ah’d Tamimi, wins Hanzala Award for Courage against Israel soldiers.. pic.twitter.com/HSRbfXmIvd
for middle east peace and security, i suggest Israeli knesset selecting a woman Prime Minister right away,women are peaceful & wise globally
all people of the world seek ceasefire between Israel and Hamas to save the life of children and civilians in general in both sides.
life without peace,security and cultural tie, is a body without soul globally. now,people of Gaza,israel,syria also iraq understand it well.