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ending Israeli attacks on Gaza! shame on children killers! pic.twitter.com/OMuMqTUjmy
VIENNA (AP) Decisions by the foreign ministers of Russia and China to skip talks on Iran's nuclear program talks.why? http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2014/07/11/4-foreign-ministers-confirmed-at-iran-nuke-talks …
روسیه و چین بشدت از کسب توافق هسته ای بین ایران وغرب نگرانند.آنها صدهها میلیارد دلاراز تحریم ایران سود برده اند.حالا براحتی کوتاه نمی آیند!.
is final agreements signing between iran and the west on nuclear issue against russia and china interests?yes,they get tens billions yearly
as human we should trust each other,its not a difficult, just we need to be real and honest.otherwise,the life and the world getting unrest.
we should being more mindful of our short life on land.so,we must making cultural and peaceful ties not only between countries but ourselves
i have tried since 8 yrs ago to make political&cultural ties permanently,not temporarily between iran and the west for a world full of peace
سخنگوی مسئول سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا ازدعوت وزیران خارجه ۱+۵ به وین برای شرکت درمذاکرات هستهای با ایران خبر داد.شاید قرارد نهایی امضا شود
Kerry will be joined by the foreign ministers of several, but probably not all,to Talk on Iran as Deadline Draws Near http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/11/world/middleeast/kerry-to-join-nuclear-talks-on-iran-as-deadline-draws-near.html?_r=0 …
Washington trying to prevent ground operation in Gaza http://www.haaretz.com/news/.premium-1.604440 …
if peace getting die,so,evils of war &massacre getting awake i have tried preventing war,making peace globally also Iran&USA since 8 yrs ago
VIENNA—Diplomats say foreign ministers are preparing to join nuclear talks with Iran in an effort to meet a July 20 target date for a deal.
do global extremist persons and parties lose their consciousness to do bleeding etc ?!.are they supported by radical governments globally?!
during my life i have been under heavy pressures for my cultural &peaceful activities,but,i have done my duties best.i did not waste my life
دولت اسراییل مردم غزه بی پناه را به خاک و خون میکشدو حماس مردم بی گناه اسراییل را.آیا وقت آن نرسیده دو طرف دست ازخونریزی بردارند وصلح کنند؟!